sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

let`s make some comparation`s

what`s cristobal like?

  1. he`s short.
  2. he`s brow skinned.
  3. he`s wears glasses.
  4. he`s a goob student.
  5. he`s goob -looking.
whats alfredo like?
  1. he`s thin.
  2. he`s tall.
  3. he`s quiet,serius.
  4. he`s handsome.

alfredo is taller that cistobal.

which one is better student?
cristobal is better student than alfredo.

cristobal is shorter than alfredo.

who is cooler?
cristobal is cocler that alfredo.

which one has darker skin?
alfredo is darker skin that cristobal.

who is more handsome?
cristobal is more handsome than alfredo.

which one has darker skin?
alfredo is darker skin than cristobal..

1 comentario:

  1. Don't forget to write a reflection about your work!

    Are these your original sentences or did you copy them from the board?

    Remember, your presentation counts. Try to pay attention to spelling and punctuation details. Also use upper-case letters where appropriate.

    Who is cooler?
    Cristobal is cooler than Alfredo.
