sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010

entertainment List

  1. science
  2. fiction
  3. thrillers
  4. action
  5. westerns
  6. horror
  7. drama
  8. comedy
  9. cartoon/animated
  10. torture purn.
  11. cristian/biblical.


  1. hip-hop
  2. rock
  3. havy metal
  4. classical
  5. jazz
  6. salsa
  7. pop
  8. blues
  9. lternative

T.V. program`s

  1. new`s
  2. westerns
  3. talk shaws
  4. game show
  5. cooking
  6. exercise
  7. sitcom
  8. cartoons
  9. reality.


  1. action
  2. sports
  3. puzzle
  4. strategy
  5. F.P.S
  6. fighting
  7. war.

1 comentario:

  1. These are the categories for entertainment genres.

    The genres in the music category are:
    The genres in the video game category are:
    The genres in the movies category are:
    The genres in the television category are:

    Ema, what are your favorite kinds of video games? My favorite kind of video games is role-playing. (MMORPG)
