sábado, 29 de mayo de 2010


ema-- do you like horror films?

karlos-- no,i don't like it very much,i like actions films.

ema-- ok,do you like hip-hop music?

karlos--no,i don't like it very much.

ema-- what kind of music do you like?

karlos-- i like havy metal a lot.

ema-- do you like soccer?

karlos-- yes, i don`t like a lot.

ema--i have tickets to the soccer game friday,whould you like to go?

karlos-- i'd like to,but i want to visit my girlfriend.

ema--ok,would you like to go to the pool tomorrow?

karlos-- yes, i would,what time does it start?

ema-- six o`clock.

karlos--ok. bye.

1 comentario:

  1. karlos-- no,i don't like it very much,i like actions films.
    *this should be*
    "No, I don't like them very much (because "horror films" is plural.)

    karlos-- yes, i don`t like a lot.
    *this should be*
    "Yes, I like it a lot. (If you say, "don't" it becomes contradictory...)

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