martes, 20 de abril de 2010

invitation and excuses


whoman-- mari

ema-- hello!

ma-- hi!

ema-- how are you?

ma-- ok,fine,thanks,and you?

ema-- very crazy.

ema-- would you like to have dinner whit me to nitgth?

ma-- where? and what time?

ema-- in the restaurant "the sarteèn pan" at the 9 p.m

ma-- no I going dancing whit my boy friend.

ema-- oo mi god :-(

miércoles, 7 de abril de 2010

questions of the bibliography of eduardo davalos.

  • what is his name?

  • where did he live?

  • when was born?

  • what is he nick name ?

  • who was he daughter ?

  • who was he big sister?

  • what problems did he have?

  • how did he get out of prison?

  • what was his firs hit?

  • what is his hoobies?

1989................................nine teen eighty nine.

1990............................. nine teen nitnety.

1991.............................. nine teen ninety one.

2005............................. two thonsand five.

2007............................. two thonsand seven.

2009.............................. two thonsand nine.

presentando a mi compa jairo

hi class my name is emmanuel

The interview will publish of jairo

He is my friend jairo

his major is computation.

his age is nine then years old

.his from azueta veracruz.

his favorite color`s are black,white,blue and red.

his hobbies are:playing soccer,watching t.v.,playing xboxand listening music,and walk with his girlfriend. yeak,yeak.